February 16, 2025

North American Maiden Winners December 17

Afleet Alex–Denali Red by Crafty Prospector; MIGHTY MANFRED, g, 2, FG, Msw, 12-17, a1 1/16mT, 1:45 2/5. B-Glen Oak Farm & Two stamps stables (KY.). $30,000 ’15 KEESEP. *1/2 to Holiday’s Jewel (SP $393,052).
Archarcharch–Pure Class by Purge; PURE JOY, f, 2, DED, Msw, 12-16, 6 1/2f, 1:20 2/5. B-Scott & Debbie Pierce (KY.). $5,000 ’15 KEESEP.
Benny the Bull–Lady Takum by Mutakddim; MY BRO PAUL, g, 2, TAM, Mcl 16000, 12-17, 5 1/2f, 1:06 2/5. B-Ben-D Farm South LLC (FL.). $2,200 ’15 OBSAUG.
Bodemeister–Salty Romance by Salt Lake; FAJA, c, 2, GP, Msw, 12-17, 1m, 1:36 3/5. B-Blue Devil Racing Stable, LLC (KY.). *1/2 to Agave Kiss (G3 $339,400).
Bustin Stones–Repreive by Successful Appeal; DR. STONE, f, 2, AQU, Msw, 12-17, 6f, 1:14 2/5. B-Roddy Valente & Dr. Jerry Bilinski (NY.).
Colonel John–Visual Arrest by Pollard’s Vision; VISUAL MISSION, g, 2, MVR, Msw, 12-17, 5 1/2f, 1:09 1/5. B-Mast Thoroughbreds LLC (OH.).
Denis of Cork–Squabble by Domestic Dispute; HOTSTORMABREWING, g, 2, CT, Mcl 12500, 12-16, 6 1/2f, 1:22 1/5. B-Naomi R. Long (WV.).
Discreet Cat–Ilusoria by Maria’s Mon; DISCREET SPY, f, 2, FG, Msw, 12-17, 6f, 1:12 . B-John C. Oxley (KY.). $47,000 ’15 KEESEP. *1/2 to Peak Maria’s Way (G3P $409,435).
Elusive Warning–Candy Gal by Slew of Angels; SURE SWEET, c, 2, TUP, Mcl 10000, 12-17, 5 1/2f, 1:06 . B-Madera Thoroughbreds (CA.).
First Defence–Rising Tornado by Storm Cat; LOCKDOWN, f, 2, AQU, Msw, 12-17, 1 1/16m, 1:49 2/5. B-Juddmonte Farms Inc. (KY.). *Full to Close Hatches (Champion, $2,707,300).
High Cotton–Angelic Amanda by Hennessy; HIGH FIVE COTTON, c, 2, PEN, Msw, 12-17, 6f, 1:11 2/5. B-Dr. Rick & Janet Erwin (FL.). $15,000 ’15 OBSAUG; $35,000 2016 OBSAPR.
Into Mischief–Meili by Forestry; HAL’S MISCHIEF, f, 2, HAW, Msw, 12-17, 6f, 1:13 1/5. B-Pegasus Stud LLC (KY.).
Midshipman–Tapitude by Tapit; FLIBBERTIGIBBET, f, 2, GP, Mcl 25000, 12-17, 6f, 1:11 4/5. B-Goldmark Farm, LLC (FL.).
Ministers Wild Cat–Saint’s Crown by Tiznow; TAWNY, f, 2, LRC, Mcl 40000, 12-17, 6f, 1:10 . B-Fleming Thoroughbred Farm LLC (CA.). $10,000 ’15 BESOCT.
Proud Citizen–Paddy’s Daisy (G3$267,548), by King of Kings (IRE); IRISH PROUD, c, 2, TP, Msw, 12-16, 1m, 1:39 2/5. B-Clearsky Farms (KY.). $8,500 ’15 KEESEP.
Red Giant–Ain’t No Saint by Northern Afleet; ST. PEREGRINE, c, 2, HAW, Msw, 12-17, 6f, 1:13 1/5. B-Brady Tauber & Steve Gordon (IL.).
Regal Ransom–Lively Belle by Bellamy Road; ROYAL’D, g, 2, MVR, Msw, 12-17, 5 1/2f, 1:07 4/5. B-Raimonde Farms Ltd. (OH.).
Rimrod–Heavenly Ballad by Two Punch; BATTERY CREEK, g, 2, PEN, Mcl 15000, 12-16, 6f, 1:12 1/5. B-Elizabeth R. Houghton (PA.).
Rockport Harbor–Dinner to Boot by Storm Boot; IRISH ROCKET, g, 2, PRX, Mcl 10000, 12-17, 5 1/2f, 1:07 4/5. B-Irish Three Racing, LLC (PA.).
Southern Success–Sho Grl Partner by Partner’s Hero; SHO ME SUCCESS, g, 2, PEN, Mcl 15000, 12-16, 6f, 1:12 1/5. B-Mr and Mrs. Robert A Szeyller (PA.).
Spring At Last–Radiating by Seeking the Gold; SPRING FOR GOLD, g, 2, DED, Msw, 12-17, 6 1/2f, 1:20 4/5. B-Patchen Wilkes Farm, LLC (KY.). $5,000 ’15 KEESEP.
The Factor–Friona by Allen’s Prospect; OKINAWA, f, 2, GP, Msw, 12-17, 1mT, 1:35 4/5. B-Labhras Draper & Catherina McDonnell (KY.). $75,000 ’14 KEENOV; $140,000 ’15 KEESEP; $420,000 2016 OBSAPR.
The Factor–Ramblin Rosie by Roar; DELPHINIA, f, 2, GP, Msw, 12-17, 5fT, :56 3/5. B-Morris B. Floyd & Gary Layman (KY.). $250,000 ’15 FTKJUL; $510,000 2016 FTMMAY.
Wilburn–Margarita Nites by Distorted Humor; MARGARITA SUNRISE, g, 2, AQU, Mcl 25000, 12-17, 6f, 1:14 2/5. B-Spruce Lane Farm (NY.). $7,500 ’15 KEEJAN. *1/2 to Bridget Moloney ($310,749).
Afleet Express–Limerick by Black Minnaloushe; GIFT OF FRIENDS, f, 3, TP, Mcl 5000, 12-16, 6f, 1:13 1/5. B-J. K. & Linda Griggs (KY.). $4,500 ’14 KEESEP.
American Lion–Dawn Princess by Polish Numbers; PRINCESS TIZNOW, f, 3, LRC, Mcl 20000, 12-17, 1m, 1:38 2/5. B-Thor-Bred Stables, LLC (CA.). $25,000 ’14 OBSAUG.
Arch–Girl of Gold by Seeking the Gold; GATEWAY TO GOLD, f, 3, TP, Mcl 5000, 12-17, 5f, 1:00 2/5. B-Tony Holmes & Dr. & Mrs. Walter Zent (KY.). $75,000 ’14 KEESEP.
Concord Point–American Story by Ghostzapper; AMERICANIZE, g, 3, LRC, Msw, 12-17, 6f, 1:08 . B-Kaleem Shah, Inc. (KY.). *Full to American Gal (G1P $320,700).
Custom for Carlos–Band of Time by Time Bandit; PAM’S MEADOW, f, 3, FG, Mcl 10000, 12-17, 5 1/2f, 1:07 2/5. B-Peter Lawrence Orlando (LA.).
Field Commission–Red Orchestra by Greatness; BRONZE VENUS, f, 3, TAM, Mcl 8000, 12-17, 6 1/2f, 1:19 3/5. B-Edward A. Seltzer, Beverly Anderson, Joseph & Helen Barbazon (FL.). $19,000 ’14 OBSAUG.
Ice Box–Won Token by Gold Token; HILDA, f, 3, TUP, Mcl 5000, 12-17, 1m, 1:42 3/5. B-Seth Gregory (NY.). $20,000 ’14 KEESEP.
Nobiz Like Shobiz–Twinkle and Shine by Fly So Free; SHIMMER AND SHINE, f, 3, SUN, Msw, 12-17, 6f, 1:11 2/5. B-Elizabeth J. Valando (KY.). $5,000 2016 KEEJAN.
Political Whit–Windy Account by Top Account; COURTNEY’S BEAU, g, 3, DED, Mcl 10000, 12-16, 7f, 1:28 4/5. B-Bundrick Farm and Ranch LLC (LA.).
Prospect Bay–Hasty Grace by My Boy Adam; MY GIRL GRACE, f, 3, CT, Msw, 12-17, 7f, 1:28 3/5. B-Jack L. & Jane Anderson Harper (WV.).
Sea of Secrets–Please Lord by Lord Carson; PLEASE BE ME, g, 3, TUP, Mcl 5000, 12-17, 5f, :58 2/5. B-Megan Stiehr (CA.). $17,000 ’14 BESOCT.
Secret Run–Go Ahead Mae by Woke Up Dreamin; AMAZIN SECRET, f, 3, DED, Mcl 10000, 12-17, 7f, 1:30 . B-Robert L. Boudreaux (LA.).
Time Bandit–Wild Bertie by Wild Rush; WILD BANDIT, g, 3, DED, Msw, 12-16, 5f, :59 3/5. B-Margie K Averett (LA.).
Holy Bull–D J Bailey by Gunnerside; BULL BAILEY, g, 4, CT, Msw, 12-17, 1 1/16m, 1:51 4/5. B-Black Horse Tavern, LLC (WV.).
Lucky Pulpit–Telling Stories by Tale of the Cat; VODKA TEXTED YOU, g, 4, LRC, Mcl 20000, 12-16, 6f, 1:10 1/5. B-Willow Tree Farm, Inc. (CA.). $25,000 ’13 BESOCT.
Senor Swinger–Henrietta D by Conquistador Cielo; C’EST CIELO, f, 4, PEN, Mcl 5000, 12-16, 1m, 1:42 2/5. B-Jodie Pointer (PA.).
Touchdown Ky–Polish Bay by Polish Numbers; COUNTRY TOUCH, f, 4, SUN, Mcl 6500, 12-17, 4 1/2f, :52 3/5. B-Michael & Jeanne Fuhs (NM.).