September 10, 2024

North American Allowance Results January 5

AQU, 7TH, AOC, $76,440, 4YO/UP, 1M, 1-5.
1— OCEAN KNIGHT, h, 5, Curlin–Ocean Goddess, by Stormy Atlantic. ($320,000 2014 OBSMAR). O-Stonestreet Stables LLC, B-Thor-Bred Stables, LLC (KY), T-Kiaran P. McLaughlin, J-Jose L. Ortiz, $46,800.
4— Praetereo, g, 9, Giant’s Causeway–Deb’s Charm, by Silver Charm. ($265,000 ’08 KEENOV; $250,000 ’09 KEESEP). O-Steve Klesaris, B-B P Walden, H Sexton & Giants Causeway Syndicate (KY), $15,600.
3— Voluntario, c, 4, Hold Me Back–Cliff’s Secret, by The Cliff’s Edge. O-Rudy R Rodriguez, B-Michael Feuerborn & Amy Feuerborn (KY), $7,800.
Winning Time: 1:39 4/5 (ft)
GP, 9TH, AOC, $49,000, 4YO/UP, 5FT, 1-5.
7— PLATINUM PRINCE, g, 5, Leroidesanimaux (BRZ)–Platinumplus, by Mizzen Mast. O-Patricia’s Hope LLC, B-Marty & Carol Hershe (FL), T-Michael A. Tomlinson, J-Luis Saez, $32,600.
6— Captain Gaughen, g, 7, Disco Rico–V for Vera, by Concorde’s Tune. O-Michael Dubb, B-Patricia Generazio (NY), $8,610.
4— Extravagant Kid, g, 4, Kiss the Kid–Pretty Extravagant, by With Distinction. O-Vicino Racing Stables, Inc, B-Vicino Racing Stable (FL), $4,100.
Winning Time: :56 (fm)
GP, 5TH, AOC, $40,000, 4YO/UP, F/M, 5FT, 1-5.
2— SCUBA SUE, m, 5, Smarty Jones–Flattered, by Saint Ballado. ($15,000 ’13 KEESEP; $40,000 2014 OBSAPR). O-Monster Racing Stables, B-Mike Pietrangelo (KY), T-Jorge Navarro, J-Paco Lopez, $24,000.
1— Eila, f, 4, Benny the Bull–Ooh Yeah, by Dismissed. ($3,000 ’14 OBSAUG; $20,000 2015 OBSJUN). O-A & K Equine, LLC, B-Ben-D Farm South LLC (FL), $8,000.
6— True Pleasure, f, 4, Yes It’s True–Pleasant Ring, by Pleasant Tap. ($100,000 ’14 OBSAUG; $200,000 2015 OBSAPR). O-Sylken Stables, B-John B Penn (FL), $4,000.
Winning Time: :58 2/5 (fm)
DED, 8TH, ALW, $35,700, 4YO/UP, F/M, 6 1/2F, 1-4.
9— RACHAEL’S KISS, f, 4, Behindatthebar–Kiss the Lips, by Kissin Kris. O-Richard Tate, B-Richard Tate (LA), T-Thomas W. Sam, J-Steve J. Bourque, $24,000.
2— American Kiki, f, 4, Candy Ride (ARG)–Tap Tap Tapping, by Tapit. ($100,000 ’14 KEESEP; $110,000 2015 OBSMAR). O-Grupo 7C Racing Stable, B-Hargus & Sandra Sexton & Silver Fern Farm (KY), $6,000.
3— Eight Grand, f, 4, Grand Slam–Walloon, by Alphabet Soup. O-Stonehaven Steadings, B-Stonehaven Steadings (KY), $3,300.
Winning Time: 1:20 (ft)
PEN, 4TH, AOC, $31,616, 4YO/UP, F/M, 1M 70Y, 1-5.
7— RITZY LASS, m, 5, Old Forester–Ritzy Dame, by Distorted Humor. ($3,200 ’12 KEENOV). O-James C Wolf, B-Paradox Farm, Inc (ON), T-Timothy C. Kreiser, J-Clinton L. Potts, $18,240.
8— Its a Journey, f, 4, Jump Start–Lovely Senorita, by Not for Love. ($105,000 2015 FTMMAY). O-Maggi Moss, B-Mr & Mrs Robert A Szeyller (PA), $7,296.
5— Optimistic Outcome, f, 4, Trappe Shot–Hidden Grove (GB), by Forestry. ($120,000 ’14 KEESEP). O-Black Cloud Stable LLC, B-Woods Edge Farm, LLC (KY), $3,344.
Winning Time: 1:44 (ft)