September 11, 2024

North American Allowance Results September 9

BEL, 5TH, AOC, $82,200, 3YO/UP, F/M, 6 1/2F, 9-9.
3— HAY FIELD, m, 5, Haynesfield–My Indian, by Indian Charlie. ($65,000 ’13 KEENOV). O-James A Riccio, B-Brereton C Jones (NY), T-Jeremiah C. Englehart, J-Joe Bravo, $46,200.
1— Picture Day, m, 6, Include–Elusive Sugar, by Elusive Quality. ($37,000 ’13 KEESEP; $100,000 2014 OBSAPR). O-Linda Rice, B-Brereton C Jones (KY), $16,000.
4— Pacific Gale, f, 3, Flat Out–Pacific Whisper, by Forestry. ($50,000 ’15 KEENOV; $24,000 ’16 OBSAUG; $72,000 2017 OBSAPR). O-Tobey L Morton, B-Bally Breeders (KY), $9,600.
Winning Time: 1:18 (sy)
BEL, 4TH, AOC, $74,400, 3YO/UP, 6F, 9-9.
3— MAI TY ONE ON, g, 4, Put It Back–Kristy Lynn, by Bwana Charlie. O-George Vires, B-George Vires (FL), T-Jane Cibelli, J-Joe Bravo, $44,000.
4— Blessed Halo, g, 4, Kantharos–Halo’s Mirage, by Halo’s Image. ($7,500 ’15 OBSAUG). O-Z R J Stables, B-Curtis Mikkelsen & Patricia Horth (FL), $16,000.
1— Big Rock, h, 6, Rockport Harbor–Royal G G, by Royal Academy. ($60,000 2014 OBSJUN). O-New Phoenix Stable, B-J K Griggs & Linda Griggs (KY), $9,600.
Winning Time: 1:10 1/5 (sy)
BEL, 6TH, AOC, $65,100, 3YO/UP, 1M, 9-9.
1— MO DIDDLEY, c, 3, Uncle Mo–Miss Bodine, by Vindication. ($450,000 ’16 FTNAUG). O-Barber, Gary and Cheyenne Stables LLC, B-Andy Beadnell (NY), T-Mark E. Casse, J-John R. Velazquez, $38,500.
5— Papa Shot, h, 6, Distorted Humor–Mindy Gold, by A.P. Indy. O-Barry K Schwartz, B-Stonewall Farm (NY), $14,000.
4— Broadway Bay, g, 7, Flower Alley–Just a Bella, by Cryptoclearance. ($50,000 ’12 FTMOCT). O-Jeffrey S Englehart, B-Tracy Egan (NY), $8,400.
Winning Time: 1:36 4/5 (sy)
WO, 7TH, ALW, $64,491, 3YO/UP, F/M, 6 1/2FT, 9-9.
3— SAN NICOLA STORM, m, 6, Giant Gizmo–San Nicola Flyer, by Alydeed. O-Joe Pirone, B-Joseph Pirone (ON), T-Zeljko Krcmar, J-Luis Contreras, $41,611.
2— Secret Masquerade, f, 3, Denman (AUS)–Costume Girl, by Maria’s Mon. (C$10,000 ’16 ONTSEP). O-Jaroslaw B Kowalczyk, B-Michael C Byrne (ON), $11,090.
4— Larkwood, f, 3, Langfuhr–Forest Flute, by Woodman. O-Gustav Schickedanz, B-Gustav Schickedanz (ON), $6,100.
Winning Time: 1:15 3/5 (fm)
PRX, 7TH, AOC, $58,780, 3YO/UP, 7F, 9-9.
6— SMOOTH B, c, 3, Weigelia–Katarica Disco, by Disco Rico. O-LC Racing, B-St Omer’s Farm & Wyn Oaks Farm, LLC (PA), T-Robert E. Reid, Jr., J-Frankie Pennington, $39,480.
5— Tighten Up, c, 4, Gemologist–Shining Tree, by Forestry. O-Rolando Lima, B-Rosilyn Polan (KY), $9,400.
3— Will Munnings, g, 5, Munnings–The Schvagen, by Matty G. ($75,000 ’14 FTKJUL; $80,000 2015 OBSMAR). O-Ten Strike Racing, B-Buck Pond Farm, Inc (KY), $5,170.
Winning Time: 1:22 2/5 (sy)
WO, 6TH, AOC, $50,065, 3YO/UP, 1 1/16M, 9-9.
1— LOOKIN TO STRIKE, c, 3, Lookin At Lucky–Miss Bonnie, by Officer. ($22,000 ’15 KEENOV; $210,000 2017 OBSAPR). O-Gary Barber, B-Fedai Kahraman (KY), T-Mark E. Casse, J-Gary Boulanger, $28,394.
7— Giant Storm, g, 5, Lemon Drop Kid–Impending Storm, by Mineshaft. ($200,000 ’14 KEESEP). O-Calico Racing Stable and Gary McMaster, B-SF Bloodstock LLC (KY), $9,465.
6— Hollywood Critic, g, 6, Blame–Kalosca (FR), by Kaldoun (FR). O-Bruce Lunsford, B-W Bruce Lunsford (KY), $5,206.
Winning Time: 1:43 1/5 (ft)
LRC, 9TH, AOC, $48,345, 3YO/UP, F/M, 5 1/2F, 9-9.
7— DIAMONDSANDPEARLS, f, 3, Congrats–Azalea Belle, by Dixie Union. ($60,000 ’16 KEEJAN; $250,000 ’16 KEESEP; $1,700,000 2017 OBSMAR). O-Phoenix Thoroughbred III, B-Todd Frederick, Chad Frederick & Phoenix Farm and Racing (KY), T-Bob Baffert, J-Joseph Talamo, $27,000.
4— Tyfosha, f, 3, Flatter–Penny Marie, by Sky Classic. ($410,000 2017 OBSMAR). O-R Chris Larsen, B-Lazy Lane Farms, LLC (VA), $9,000.
11— Late ‘n Left, m, 5, Lucky Pulpit–Royal Grand Slam, by Grand Slam. O-Zolotas, Steven, Zolotas, Sabina Romo and Hamilton, David, B-Mr & Mrs Larry D Williams (CA), $7,020.
Winning Time: 1:03 (ft)
PRX, 6TH, ALW, $46,750, 3YO/UP, F/M, 1M, 9-9.
9— TALE OF PROMISE, f, 4, Tale of Ekati–Breach of Promise, by Carson City. O-Emerald Racing Stable LLC, B-Buck Pond Farm, Inc & D W Frazier MD (KY), T-Herold O. Whylie, J-Silvestre Gonzalez, $27,600.
7— Singing Sarah, f, 3, Scipion–Out of the Will, by Will’s Way. O-V/R Racing LLC, B-Ross Restuccio (NJ), $9,200.
11— Mzima Springs, f, 4, Harlan’s Holiday–Lake Naivasha, by Empire Maker. O-Emory A Hamilton, B-Emory A Hamilton (KY), $5,060.
Winning Time: 1:39 (sy)
LRL, 9TH, AOC, $46,350, 3YO/UP, F/M, A1 1/16M, 9-9.
4— HEY NIKI, f, 3, Include–Constantinople, by Istan. O-Brereton C Jones, B-Brereton C Jones (KY), T-Thomas F. Proctor, J-Jorge A. Vargas, Jr., $25,650.
5— Stormologist, f, 3, Gemologist–Storm Front, by A.P. Indy. ($30,000 ’15 KEENOV). O-Jackson, Stephen G and Debbie, B-Pleasant Hill Partners (KY), $9,450.
1— Fillupcohensapiker, f, 4, Closing Argument–Good Whiskey, by Indian Charlie. ($2,000 ’15 KEEJAN). O-Andrew L Simoff, B-Triple D Partners LLC (KY), $4,950.
Winning Time: 1:45 2/5 (sy)
GP, 4TH, AOC, $42,330, 3YO/UP, F/M, 7F, 9-9.
1— CHRISTMAS MAGIC, f, 3, J P’s Gusto–Christmas Lights, by Citidancer. ($30,000 2017 OBSAPR). O-Mr Dennys Racing Stable LLC and O’Connell, Kathleen, B-Brent Fernung & Crystal Fernung (FL), T-Kathleen O’Connell, J-Edgard J. Zayas, $25,200.
4— Anabella Queen, f, 3, Wildcat Heir–Queen of Oz, by Silver Buck. ($19,000 ’16 OBSAUG). O-Grupo 7C Racing Stable, B-Cheryl Janine McGuire & James Patrick McGuire (FL), $9,240.
2— Rose M., f, 3, Big Drama–Time Counts, by Closing Argument. O-J A R Racing and Rodriguez, Angel, B-Frank C Calabrese (FL), $5,040.
Winning Time: 1:26 2/5 (gd)
GP, 10TH, AOC, $41,050, 3YO/UP, 1 1/16M, 9-9.
2— EYE OF A JEDI, g, 3, Eye of the Leopard–Sea Song’s Grace, by Elusive Quality. ($1,500 ’16 KEESEP). O-Steve Budhoo, B-Calumet Farm (KY), T-Steve Budhoo, J-Luis A. Castillo, $24,000.
3— Deputy Czar, g, 3, Tapizar–Aunt Pat, by Mr. Greeley. ($14,000 ’16 KEESEP). O-Skyscraper Racing, LLC, B-Gainesway Thoroughbreds Ltd (KY), $8,400.
4— Cheech Thunder, g, 5, Include–Tactfully Ann, by Tactical Advantage. ($1,700 ’14 KEESEP). O-Establo Heluce, B-John R Penn (KY), $4,400.
Winning Time: 1:45 4/5 (sy)
MTH, 9TH, AOC, $39,000, 3YO/UP, 6F, 9-9.
1— TOWN POLICY, g, 5, Cowtown Cat–I. P. C. Baby, by Latin American. O-JN Racing Stables, Inc, B-Cindy Harries (FL), T-Jorge Navarro, J-Jose C. Ferrer, $24,000.
4— Getoffmyback, g, 5, Good Journey–Cantina’s Rose, by Decarchy. ($62,000 ’14 BESOCT; $110,000 2015 OBSMAR). O-Lucky Dog Stables, Wiest, Clayton and Wiest, Rick, B-B&B Zietz Stables, Inc (CA), $8,000.
2— Roll Tide Roll, g, 6, Elusive Quality–Lightfoot Lane, by Phone Trick. ($92,000 ’12 KEENOV; $250,000 ’13 KEESEP). O-Fortune Farm (Richard Nicolai), B-Hidden Brook Farm, Jonathan Mills & Darley (KY), $4,000.
Winning Time: 1:10 (sy)
IND, 7TH, ALW, $37,500, 3YO/UP, 6F, 9-8.
4— SANTISTEBAN, g, 3, Santiva–Excell With Elle, by Slew the Surgeon. O-Rancho Monarca, LLC, B-Brad Mahaffey & Sylvia Mahaffey (IN), T-Antonio Duran, J-Samuel E. Bermudez, $22,500.
1— Pentimento, g, 5, Action This Day–Bcn U, by Formal Gold. O-Absolute Farm, B-Kathy J Zambos & Gayle B Gerth Trust (IN), $7,500.
3— Calandave, g, 4, Lunarpeal–Miss Misfit, by Patton. O-William J Wargel, B-William J Wargel (IN), $3,750.
Winning Time: 1:12 2/5 (sy)
LRL, 6TH, ALW, $34,650, 3YO/UP, 1M, 9-9.
4— VICTORY CHIMES, g, 4, Orientate–Miss Doctor Ty, by King Cugat. O-Ashbourne Stable LLC, B-Ashbourne Stables (MD), T-Mary E. Eppler, J-Alex Cintron, $19,950.
8— Redeemed Gentleman, g, 3, Redeemed–Gentle Flow, by Gentlemen (ARG). ($3,500 ’16 FTMWIN). O-Reality Horse Racing, B-Morgan’s Ford Farm (MD), $7,350.
6— Beltway Bob, g, 4, Baltimore Bob–Freeway Fun, by Awesome Again. O-Gregory L Wilson, B-Robert Gerczak (MD), $3,850.
Winning Time: 1:39 (sy)
RP, 8TH, ALW, $34,000, 3YO/UP, F/M, 5F, 9-8.
2— TOUGH IRMA, f, 3, Stormy Atlantic–Dixieland Event, by Wild Event. O-Poindexter Thoroughbreds LLC, B-Off The Hook Partners LLC & Farm III Enterprises LLC (FL), T-Lynn Chleborad, J-Alex Birzer, $20,196.
1— Our Addi Belle, m, 5, Primary Suspect–Copperelle, by Elusive Quality. O-Danny R Caldwell, B-Starsky Weast (AR), $6,732.
7— Imaginary Image, f, 3, Ready’s Image–Princess Tiger, by Lido Palace (CHI). O-Robert E Bruce, B-Robert Bruce (KY), $3,703.
Winning Time: :57 2/5 (gd)
BTP, 5TH, ALW, $26,700, 3YO/UP, 6 1/2F, 9-9.
1— SIR LEONIDAS, g, 3, Midshipman–Tricky Mona, by Victory Gallop. O-M Y Stables, Inc, B-South River Ranch Inc & Kathleen Lowry (OH), T-Anthony Lowry, J-Azael De Leon, $16,020.
2— Twilight King, g, 3, Girolamo–Twilight Valley, by Forest Camp. ($27,000 ’16 FTKOCT). O-Pocket Aces Stables, B-Susan L Anderson (OH), $5,340.
3— Even Keeled, g, 4, Stephen Got Even–Schefflera, by Mutakddim. O-Sherri L Greenhill, B-Jeff Greenhill & Sherri Greenhill (OH), $2,670.
Winning Time: :00 (my)
CT, 5TH, ALW, $24,000, 3YO/UP, 7F, 9-8.
5— MR. JACOBY, g, 3, Fiber Sonde–Aye Jacoby, by Aye’s Turn. O-FTF Racing LLC, B-John D McKee (WV), T-Alfred H. Scott, Jr., J-Fredy Peltroche, $14,880.
2— Rucker, g, 3, Fiber Sonde–Dollys Affair, by Black Tie Affair (IRE). O-Donna M Hayes, B-Donna M Hayes (VA), $4,800.
1— The Seven Five, g, 3, Denis of Cork–Smart Silver, by Two Smart. O-Elizabeth E Meehan, B-Magalen O Bryant (WV), $2,400.
Winning Time: 1:27 1/5 (sy)
CT, 6TH, ALW, $24,000, 3YO/UP, 4 1/2F, 9-8.
2— SCYTHE, g, 5, Smarty Jones–Auntie Inda Attic, by Suave Prospect. O-Leslie A Condon, B-Leslie Ann Condon (WV), T-Leslie A. Condon, J-Victor Rodriguez, $14,340.
7— Dionysus’ Chalice, g, 3, Fiber Sonde–Athena Grand, by Civilisation. O-E Clinton Lowry, B-Dr & Mrs E C Lowry (WV), $4,780.
1— Grand Fiber, g, 3, Fiber Sonde–Mrs. Stroud, by Grand Slam. O-Cynthia E O’Bannon, B-Cynthia O’Bannon (WV), $2,390.
Winning Time: :52 1/5 (sy)
HST, 2ND, ALW, $22,803, 2YO, 6 1/2F, 9-8.
3— SUMMERLAND, f, 2, He’s Tops–Otero, by Honour and Glory. O-George Gilbert, B-Tres Hombres & George Gilbert (KY), T-Philip Hall, J-Enrique Alonzo Gonzalez, $13,825.
2— Billie, f, 2, First Dude–Strong Threat, by Strong Hope. ($4,200 ’17 OBSJAN). O-Praven Sorensen, B-Northwind Thoroughbreds, LLC & Robert Eversole Thoroughbreds Inc (FL), $4,861.
5— One for Mom, f, 2, Tizway–Starship Angel, by Running Stag. ($20,000 2018 OBSJAN). O-Conrad Rozenek, B-Spendthrift Farm, LLC (KY), $2,431.
Winning Time: 1:17 2/5 (ft)
HST, 2ND, ALW, $15,708, 3YO, 6 1/2F, 9-9.
2— PAN HANDLE, g, 3, Texas Wildcatter–Thunder Goddess, by Thunder Gulch. O-North American Thoroughbred Horse Company, Inc, B-Salishan Meadows & North American Thoroughbred Horse Company (BC), T-Glen Todd, J-Scott Williams, $9,191.
4— Smart Deal, g, 3, Skimming–Good Thinking, by Beau Genius. O-R J T Thoroughbreds Ltd, B-R J T Thoroughbreds (BC), $3,342.
1— Proof It, g, 3, Texas Wildcatter–Alevei, by America’s Storm. O-North American Thoroughbred Horse Company, Inc, B-Glen Todd (BC), $1,671.
Winning Time: 1:17 3/5 (wf)
FE, 6TH, ALW, $13,093, 3YO/UP, A7FT, 9-9.
4— HEY HOWIE, g, 3, O’Prado Again–Party Girl (FR), by Bering (GB). ($7,000 ’16 OBSJAN). O-Kirk Sutherland, B-Highclere, Inc (KY), T-Harold Ladouceur, J-Sunny Singh, $7,064.
5— Berkeley Boy, c, 3, Silent Name (JPN)–See Me Dance, by Unbridled’s Song. O-Stephen R Wells, B-Adena Springs (ON), $3,297.
7— Scat Gamble, f, 3, Scat Daddy–Gambling Girl, by Secret Claim. O-Ivan Dalos, B-Tall Oaks Farm (ON), $1,413.
Winning Time: 1:24 4/5 (fm)
CTD, 1ST, ALW, $12,648, 3YO/UP, F/M, 6F, 9-9.
2— OUR SAMMI, f, 4, Schramsberg–Ensnare, by Seeking the Gold. O-Bar None Ranches Ltd, B-Bar None Ranches Ltd (AB), T-Ron Grieves, J-Shannon Beauregard, $8,204.
1— Blues Roar, f, 3, Bluegrass Cat–Smart Roar, by Smart Strike. ($20,000 ’16 FTKOCT). O-C and H Duggan Farms Ltd and Shot In The Dark Racing Corp, B-Wellspring Stables (NY), $2,279.
6— Reds Little Star, f, 3, Elusive Star–Redwater Whammy, by Tiger Trap. O-Don Hawkes, B-Darcy Hawkes (AB), $1,367.
Winning Time: 1:11 (ft)