September 18, 2024

North American Maiden Winners March 29

Foreign Policy–River Jewel by Indy Express; HALLOWED RIVER, g, 3, WRD, Msw, 3-29, 5 1/2f, 1:05 4/5. B-Scattered Acres LLC (OK.).
Texas Red–Ultimate Class (MSP$283,253), by During; TEXAS LEXUS, f, 3, WRD, Mcl 7500, 3-29, 6f, 1:13 4/5. B-Erich Brehm (KY.). $25,000 ’20 TEXSUM. *1/2 to Bad Beat Brian (SP$268,134).
Right Rigger–Belle of Broadway by Boston Harbor; BRIGHT WAY, g, 4, SUN, Mcl 6500, 3-29, 5f, :58 . B-S F Henderson (NM.).
Sol Invictus–Betemstraight by Red; MISTY MATT, f, 4, TUP, Mcl 10000, 3-28, 5f, :58 . B-Wendell L. Matt (AZ.).   ***FIRST WINNER FOR SIRE
Successful Appeal–Bianco by Yes It’s True; SEXY SOCKS, f, 4, WRD, Mcl 15000, 3-29, 5f, :59 2/5. B-Kelly Thiesing (OK.).