September 18, 2024

North American Allowance Results April 1

OP, 6TH, AOC, $106,000, 3YO, 1M, 4-1.
6—RUGGS, c, 3, Gun Runner–Brazen Persuasion, by Indian Charlie. ($110,000 ’20 KEESEP; $170,000 2021 OBSSUM). O-Gus King, B-Bridlewood Farm (FL), T-Ron Moquett, J-David Cabrera, $63,600.
2—Stellar Tap, c, 3, Tapit–Gioia Stella, by Medaglia d’Oro. ($250,000 ’20 KEESEP). O-L and N Racing LLC and Winchell Thoroughbreds LLC, B-Moyglare Stud Farm Ltd (KY), $21,200.
4—Nineties Country, c, 3, Connect–Magestic Stinger, by Majestic Warrior. ($90,000 2021 OBSMAR). O-Flurry Racing Stables LLC, Weast, Starsky and Flannigan, David, B-Golden Pedigree LLC (KY), $10,600.
Winning Time: 1:38 (ft)
AQU, 8TH, ALW, $72,000, 3YO/UP, 6 1/2F, 4-1.
7—MASKED MARAUDER, g, 4, Palace Malice–Court Dress, by Speightstown. ($55,000 ’19 FTNAUG; $80,000 ’19 KEEJAN). O-Red Storm Stable, Cotrone, Theresa, Gabrielle Farm and Rodriguez, Rudy R, B-Wildwood Farm (NY), T-Rudy R. Rodriguez, J-Jose Antonio Gomez, $39,600.
5—Key Point, c, 3, Into Mischief–Polite Smile, by Distorted Humor. O-Jeff Drown, B-Jeff Drown (NY), $14,400.
3—Kid d’Oro, g, 6, Lemon Drop Kid–Miss d’Oro, by Medaglia d’Oro. O-Jamie Ness, B-Ron Lombardi (NY), $8,640.
Winning Time: 1:17 4/5 (my)
AQU, 6TH, AOC, $71,780, 3YO/UP, 1M, 4-1.
5—DR ARDITO, g, 4, Liam’s Map–Delightfully So, by Indian Charlie. ($95,000 ’19 FTNAUG). O-Michael Dubb and Michael J Caruso, B-Fred W Hertrich lll & John D Fielding (NY), T-Chad C. Brown, J-Manuel Franco, $40,700.
2—Seven Lilies, g, 7, Rattlesnake Bridge–Eleni’s Daughter, by Freud. O-Windylea Farm, LLC, B-Tim Mawhinney, Karen Mawhinney, Jay Lieberman & Carol Beglin (NY), $14,800.
3—Just Right, g, 6, Into Mischief–Perfect Package, by Tiznow. O-Novak Stable, Inc, B-Barry K Schwartz & Andrew Rosen (NY), $8,880.
Winning Time: 1:38 (my)
GP, 8TH, AOC, $56,400, 4YO/UP, A5FT, 4-1.
5—CHASING ARTIE, g, 4, We Miss Artie–Frisky Kitten, by Kitten’s Joy. O-Ramsey, Kenneth L and Sarah K, B-Kenneth L Ramsey & Sarah K Ramsey (KY), T-Saffie A. Joseph, Jr., J-Tyler Gaffalione, $33,000.
4—The Virginian, g, 5, Prospective–Pentelicus Gold, by Pentelicus. ($210,000 2019 OBSMAR; $37,000 2021 KEEJAN). O-Big Toe Stables LLC, B-Ocala Stud (FL), $13,500.
3—Shekky Shebaz, g, 7, Cape Blanco (IRE)–Rose Ransom, by Red Ransom. ($5,000 ’16 KEESEP). O-Christophe Clement, B-Ashford Stud, Tammy Barnes & Dr Bernard Vertuca (KY), $6,050.
Winning Time: :55 4/5 (fm)
LRL, 7TH, ALW, $44,000, 3YO/UP, F/M, 1 1/16M, 4-1.
2—CLICK TO CONFIRM, f, 3, Tonalist–Meinertzhageni, by Stormin Fever. O-Mi Patria Racing, B-The Elkstone Group LLC (MD), T-Rodolfo Sanchez-Salomon, J-Angel Cruz, $26,400.
5—Mit Mazel, f, 4, Freedom Child–Ketubah, by Broken Vow. O-Robert D Bone, B-Linda Albert (MD), $8,800.
4—Good Measure, f, 4, Smarty Jones–Richetta, by Polish Numbers. O-Glenangus Farm LLC, B-Glenangus Farm LLC (MD), $4,400.
Winning Time: 1:48 2/5 (gd)
CT, 7TH, ALW, $34,900, 3YO/UP, 1 1/16M, 3-31.
3—IRISH MEADOW, g, 7, Il Postino–Charlies Dream, by Deputy Warlock. O-MCA Racing Stable LLC, B-Raymond William Cornish (NJ), T-Claudio A. Gonzalez, J-Angel Cruz, $20,940.
6—Savatiano, g, 4, Prayer for Relief–Retsina, by Imperialism. O-CAM Racing LLC, B-SCF, Inc (FL), $6,980.
7—Tapping the Glass, g, 5, Tapiture–Mini Ashley, by Henny Hughes. ($22,000 ’18 KEESEP). O-Pocket 3’s Racing LLC, B-Gil Masters (KY), $3,490.
Winning Time: 1:47 4/5 (sy)
TAM, 7TH, AOC, $30,700, 4YO/UP, F/M, 6F, 4-1.
6—LADY JEAN, m, 5, Big Drama–Lady Loushe, by Black Minnaloushe. O-Victor Carrasco, Jr, B-Harold L Queen (FL), T-Victor Carrasco, Jr., J-Pablo Morales, $18,900.
5—Kitty Kitty, f, 4, Chitu–Mau, by Tale of the Cat. ($10,000 ’19 OBSOCT). O-Winning Stables, Inc, B-Equest Thoroughbreds, Inc (FL), $6,480.
4—Bellarific, m, 5, Bellamy Road–Leaping Lady, by Mass Media. O-Tri County Stables, B-GeeZee Stable LLC (NY), $3,080.
Winning Time: 1:10 4/5 (gd)
TAM, 8TH, AOC, $28,000, 4YO/UP, 7F, 4-1.
1—GROWL TIGER, g, 5, Speightstown–Jellicle Song, by Street Cry (IRE). O-Lael Stables, B-Mr & Mrs M Roy Jackson (KY), T-Arnaud Delacour, J-Hector Rafael Diaz, Jr., $16,800.
2—Monaasib, c, 4, Medaglia d’Oro–Baragah, by Awesome Again. O-Tres Potrillos Ranch Inc, B-Shadwell Farm, LLC (KY), $5,600.
3—The Best Distance, c, 4, Distorted Humor–Voyelle, by Broken Vow. ($21,000 ’19 KEESEP). O-Thoroughbred Champions Training Center LLC, B-Fred W Hertrich lll & John D Fielding (KY), $2,800.
Winning Time: 1:21 3/5 (gd)