September 14, 2024

North American Allowance Results April 11

GG, 8TH, AOC, $41,474, 4YO/UP, F/M, 5 1/2F, 4-10.
6—REBALATION, m, 6, Acclamation–Reba Is Tops, by He’s Tops. O-Jarnig, Gordy, Marshall, Kenny and Schweiger, Eric M, B-Eric Schweiger, Gordy Jarnig &Kenny Marshall (CA), T-Tim McCanna, J-Frank T. Alvarado, $24,960.
3—Maybe I Will, f, 4, Will Take Charge–My Due Process, by Henny Hughes. O-Fairview, LLC, B-Thomas W Bachman (CA), $8,320.
1—Do You Hear That, f, 4, Southern Image–Cochinero, by Comic Strip. O-Gray, Jill and Dr William T, B-Dr & Mrs William T Gray (CA), $4,992.
Winning Time: 1:03 2/5 (ft)
GG, 7TH, AOC, $40,130, 4YO/UP, 5 1/2F, 4-10.
1—WAR GAMES, g, 5, Cyclotron–Myra G., by One Man Army. O-Barbara DeLima, B-Bruce Headley (CA), T-Clifford DeLima, J-Francisco Duran, $24,960.
3—In Our A, g, 6, Idiot Proof–Onefunsonofagun, by Decarchy. O-KMN Racing LLC and Victory Rose Thoroughbreds, Inc, B-Victory Rose Thoroughbreds & kmn racing (CA), $8,320.
6—Kiwi’s Dream (AUS), g, 7, Sebring (AUS)–Goldlago (AUS), by Encosta De Lago (AUS). O-Victor Trujillo, B-Lockyer Thoroughbreds (AUS), $3,840.
Winning Time: 1:03 (ft)
MVR, 8TH, ALW, $36,200, 3YO/UP, 6F, 4-11.
5—HENRY MAC, g, 4, Midshipman–Boom Boom Bertie, by Thunder Gulch. O-Thomson, Dustin J and Slaughter, James, B-Dustin J Thomson & James Slaughter (OH), T-Ethan W. West, J-Malcolm Franklin, $21,720.
7—Midnight Warship, g, 4, Midshipman–All About Allison, by City Zip. O-Mitten Mates LLC and D & D Racing Stable, B-Mr & Mrs Duncan Lloyd (OH), $7,240.
4—Big On Big, g, 4, Cinco Charlie–Justoneatheguys, by Corinthian. O-Yates, Patricia J and Yates, Daniel J, B-Daniel J Yates & Patricia J Yates (OH), $3,620.
Winning Time: 1:11 2/5 (ft)
MVR, 4TH, ALW, $33,700, 3YO/UP, F/M, 1M, 4-11.
1—WOLFIE’S PRINCESS, f, 3, Indy Wind–Almost an Angel, by Artie Schiller. O-The Ronald E DeWolf Trust, B-The Ronald E DeWolf Trust (OH), T-Penny Rone, J-Luis Raul Rivera, $20,220.
7—Sure Fire Ready, f, 4, Tidal Volume–I’m Ready, by More Than Ready. O-Paula K Weaver, B-Paula Weaver (OH), $6,740.
1A—De Bolt Light, f, 4, Cryptolight–Cat Zone, by Winthrop. O-The Ronald E DeWolf Trust, B-The Ronald E DeWolf Trust (OH), $3,370.
Winning Time: 1:41 (ft)
MVR, 7TH, ALW, $33,400, 3YO/UP, F/M, 6F, 4-11.
2—POWER BANKER, m, 6, Power Broker–Boffo, by Banker’s Gold. O-Robert C Cline, B-Dr Robert Maro (OH), T-Robert C. Cline, J-Hector L. Rosario, Jr., $22,840.
1A—Erv’s Wench, m, 5, Race Day–Sessile, by Forestry. O-Mark D Kuntz, LLC, B-Ralph Kinder & Erv Woolsey (KY), $5,280.
5—Sweet Queen Bee, f, 4, Majesticperfection–Sweet Starlet, by Five Star Day. O-Erik Fadlovich, B-Steve C Snowden & Dan Considine (KY), $2,640.
Winning Time: 1:11 3/5 (ft)
MVR, 6TH, ALW, $27,500, 3YO/UP, 6F, 4-11.
2—FREE SAILIN, g, 3, Freedom Child–Kela’s Pride, by Kela. ($20,000 ’20 FTMYRL). O-Jason DaCosta, B-Susan Wantz (WV), T-Jason DaCosta, J-Angel I. Diaz, $16,500.
6—Perfect Sense, g, 5, Tiznow–Symbol of Freedom, by Tapit. O-Khadeem Galloway, B-Gary & Mary West Stables, Inc (KY), $5,500.
4—Good Idea, c, 3, Buffum–Goodnight Angel, by Touch Gold. ($11,500 ’20 FTMYRL). O-Calypso Stable, B-Mr & Mrs Charles McGinnes (MD), $2,750.
Winning Time: 1:10 3/5 (ft)
MVR, 2ND, ALW, $25,900, 3YO/UP, 1M, 4-11.
3—ROYAL DRAGOON, g, 4, Cigar Street–Sanda in Time, by Mister Phone (ARG). O-Urieta’s Racing Stable and Urieta, Johanna, B-THOMAS J YOUNG (KY), T-Johanna Urieta, J-T. D. Houghton, $15,540.
2—Candy Kingdom, g, 6, Sidney’s Candy–Caroline’s Gold, by Touch Gold. O-Anthony Foglia, B-Helen Barbazon & Joseph Barbazon (FL), $5,180.
4—Hunter Scott, c, 3, Include–You Axed Me, by Twirling Candy. O-Thomas J Young, B-THOMAS J YOUNG (KY), $2,590.
Winning Time: 1:40 4/5 (ft)
MVR, 5TH, ALW, $25,900, 3YO/UP, 1M, 4-11.
4—STAR HAWK, g, 6, To Honor and Serve–Successful Song, by Successful Appeal. O-John Erdel, B-Live Oak Stud (FL), T-John Erdel, J-Luis Raul Rivera, $15,540.
6—Warrior’s Dream, g, 8, Majestic Warrior–Dream Ride, by Honor Glide. ($40,000 ’15 KEESEP). O-Caryn Vecchio, B-Bonnie Heath Farm, LLC (FL), $5,180.
5—Giles, g, 6, Candy Ride (ARG)–Stage Stop, by Valid Expectations. O-Shane M Spiess, B-Mike G Rutherford (KY), $2,590.
Winning Time: 1:38 1/5 (ft)
WRD, 6TH, ALW, $22,880, 3YO/UP, F/M, 6F, 4-11.
1—DISTORTED FLASH, m, 5, Flashback–Unanimous Decision, by Distorted Humor. O-Bryan Hawk, B-Gary & Mary West Stables, Inc (KY), T-Joe S. Offolter, J-Gerardo Mora, $13,200.
3—Catechism, m, 5, Karakontie (JPN)–Church Camp, by Forest Camp. ($55,000 ’17 KEENOV; $30,000 ’18 KEESEP). O-Anderson, Doug L, Miller, Jr, Edward Joseph and Simon, Daniel, B-Gainesway Thoroughbreds Ltd (KY), $4,400.
5—Juliard Honor, m, 5, Magna Graduate–Juliard, by Dixieland Band. O-Crain, Kirby J and Park, Richard, B-Clark O Brewster (OK), $3,300.
Winning Time: 1:11 3/5 (sy)
WRD, 2ND, ALW, $20,900, 3YO/UP, 5 1/2F, 4-11.
3—MUNI MUNI SLEW, g, 5, Munnings–Successful Slew, by Successful Appeal. O-Haley Luneack, B-C R Trout (KY), T-Alex T. Hartman, J-Kylee R. Jordan, $12,444.
5—Hot Ticket, g, 5, Tapit–Share the Music, by Unbridled’s Song. ($600,000 ’18 KEESEP). O-JT Stables, LLC, B-Twin Creeks Farm (KY), $4,148.
1—Shadowless, g, 3, Exaggerator–Maxie Ford, by Tapit. ($16,000 ’20 FTKOCT). O-Henry Thilmony, B-China Horse Club International Limited (KY), $2,282.
Winning Time: 1:04 4/5 (sy)