September 19, 2024

North American Allowance Results April 26

PRX, 10TH, ALW, $53,170, 3YO/UP, 6 1/2F, 4-26.
1—MOJOVATION, g, 7, Quality Road–Starship Warpspeed, by Congrats. ($330,000 ’16 KEESEP). O-Kernan, Jr, Morris E and Jagger Inc, B-WinStar Farm, LLC (KY), T-Jamie Ness, J-Jaime Rodriguez, $29,400.
4—Smooth B, h, 7, Weigelia–Katarica Disco, by Disco Rico. O-LC Racing LLC, B-St Omer’s Farm & WynOaks Farm, LLC (PA), $13,720.
3—Hopeful Treasure, h, 5, Oxbow–Elle Special, by Giant’s Causeway. ($6,000 ’18 FTKOCT). O-Just In Time Racing LLC, B-Calumet Farm (KY), $5,390.
Winning Time: 1:16 1/5 (ft)
IND, 5TH, ALW, $40,000, 3YO/UP, 5F, 4-26.
9—THEDEVILSALGORITHM, g, 5, Algorithms–No Little Angel, by Lord Carson. O-Spooky Hollow Racing, Inc, B-Spooky Hollow Racing, Inc (IN), T-John L. Langemeier, J-Marcelino Pedroza, Jr., $24,000.
6—Akamai, g, 5, Strong Mandate–Pleasant Mate, by Pleasant Tap. O-Gregory Szymski, B-Gregory Szymski (IN), $8,000.
1—Mai Tai’s Gem, g, 5, Gemologist–Lil Mai Tai, by Lil E. Tee. O-Rancho Monarca, LLC, B-Rancho Monarca, LLC (IN), $4,000.
Winning Time: :59 3/5 (ft)
IND, 3RD, AOC, $39,520, 3YO/UP, F/M, 1M, 4-26.
5—LADY FROSTED, f, 4, Frosted–Indulgence, by Macho Uno. O-Maggi Moss, B-Willow Oaks Stable LLC (KY), T-Thomas M. Amoss, J-Rene Diaz, $22,800.
6— Kynance (IRE), m, 6, Canford Cliffs (IRE)–Janoubi (GB), by Dansili (GB). ($27,157 ’17 TATGNS; $7,832 ’19 TATFEB). O-Raymond Ginter Jr., B-Asterra Holdings Ltd. (IRE), $7.600.
1—Bumble of Love, m, 5, Hampton Court (AUS)–Brief Contact, by Bertrando. O-Andrew C Ritter, B-Ledgelands LLC, Beatrice Ingham &Andrew C Ritter (IN), $5,320.
Winning Time: 1:40 (ft)
TDN, 5TH, ALW, $35,800, 3YO/UP, 6F, 4-26.
4—GONE IN A FLASH, g, 3, Flashback–Beija Fleur, by Quaker Ridge. O-Marion F Gorham, B-Robert M Gorham (OH), T-Robert M. Gorham, J-T. D. Houghton, $21,480.
8—Kid Russell, g, 5, Gone Astray–Insert Name Here, by Honour and Glory. O-Lorenzo Juarez, B-W John Bourke (OH), $7,160.
3—Mutiny, g, 3, Speightster–Cruise Liner, by Salt Lake. O-WinStar Farm LLC and Blazing Meadows Farm LLC, B-Blazing Meadows Farm LLC & WinStar Farm, LLC (OH), $3,580.
Winning Time: 1:12 3/5 (ft)
TDN, 8TH, ALW, $35,800, 3YO/UP, 6F, 4-26.
2—QUIET AMIGO, g, 4, Senor Amigo–Without a Sound, by Thunder Gulch. O-Holly Delaney, B-Lowell F Allen (OH), T-Richard Zielinski, J-Alexander Chavez, $21,480.
1—Quimby, g, 3, Lord Nelson–Roo Roo, by Meadowlake. ($28,000 ’20 KEESEP). O-Sheltowee Farm, B-Peter Sheppell & KC Garrett Farm (OH), $7,160.
7—Traitor Amongst Us, g, 4, Fed Biz–Reliable Ema, by Smarty Jones. ($22,000 ’19 KEESEP). O-Syd Racing, LLC, B-Larmon Cowles & Cristina Ventura (OH), $3,580.
Winning Time: 1:12 3/5 (ft)
TDN, 7TH, ALW, $28,000, 3YO/UP, F/M, 5 1/2F, 4-26.
5—PURITY, f, 3, Violence–Maybellene, by Lookin At Lucky. ($130,000 ’20 KEESEP). O-Namir Zaiber, B-Clarkland Farm LLC (KY), T-Michael L. Rone, J-Luis Raul Rivera, $16,800.
8—Florenzia, f, 3, Lea–Lady Fiona, by Henrythenavigator. O-Southern Comfort Stable LLC, B-Southern Comfort Farm (KY), $5,600.
6—Rose Knows, f, 3, Sky Mesa–Avenue of Roses, by Street Sense. ($6,000 2021 OBSSUM). O-Danielle Agnello, B-John O’Meara (KY), $2,800.
Winning Time: 1:05 3/5 (ft)
WRD, 5TH, ALW, $25,080, 3YO/UP, 1M, 4-26.
5—INCA EMPIRE, g, 3, Midshipman–Inca Miss, by Kipling. O-Bryan Hawk, B-Bryan Hawk (OK), T-Joe S. Offolter, J-Gerardo Mora, $14,534.
1—Misty’s Fool, g, 4, Pollard’s Vision–Misty Miranda, by Road Ruler. O-Steve F Williams, B-P&S Racing Stables LLC (OK), $5,402.
2—Legionary, g, 3, Dominus–Hey Baby, by Save Big Money. ($25,000 ’20 TEXSUM). O-Young Stables LLC, B-Center Hills Farm (OK), $3,118.
Winning Time: 1:38 2/5 (ft)
FL, 8TH, ALW, $24,000, 3YO/UP, 4 1/2F, 4-26.
4—MACHO BOY, g, 5, Mucho Macho Man–Truly Charming, by Elusive Quality. ($55,000 2019 FTMMAY). O-Aaron Racing Stables, B-McMahon of Saratoga Thoroughbreds, LLC (NY), T-Jeremiah C. Englehart, J-John R. Davila, Jr., $14,400.
8—Double Vision, g, 4, Central Banker–Eye to Eye, by Noonmark. O-Seacoast Thoroughbreds of N E, B-Seacoast Thoroughbreds of New England (NY), $4,800.
5—Union Banks, g, 6, Union Rags–Lady Banks, by Successful Appeal. O-Carlos V Dominguez, B-George Autry & Stephanie Autry (NY), $2,400.
Winning Time: :52 4/5 (sy)
WRD, 8TH, ALW, $23,826, 3YO/UP, 1M, 4-26.
7—GRAND ROYALE, g, 6, Cairo Prince–Helluva Hangover, by Grand Slam. ($65,000 ’16 KEENOV; $130,000 ’17 FTKJUL; $75,000 2019 OBSJAN). O-Steve F Williams, B-Center Hills Farm (OK), T-Steve F. Williams, J-Curtis Kimes, $14,534.
5—Champs Success, g, 5, Champ Pegasus–Won Four Dad, by In Excess (IRE). ($1,700 ’18 CTNAUG). O-Linda Eidal, B-Richard Barton Enterprises (CA), $4,148.
1—Sedaris, g, 6, Doctor Chit–Queena Corrina, by Here We Come. O-Haley Luneack, B-Stan Wilson (OK), $3,118.
Winning Time: 1:37 4/5 (ft)
MNR, 4TH, ALW, $20,776, 3YO/UP, F/M, 5F, 4-25.
7—MADDY MACHEN, m, 6, Machen–Miss Maddy Moo, by Bellamy Road. O-J Michael Baird, B-J Michael Baird (WV), T-J. Michael Baird, J-Edgar Paucar, $12,296.
8—Ultra Diva, m, 5, Machen–Natalie’s Wonder, by Tiz Wonderful. O-J Michael Baird, B-J Michael Baird (OH), $4,240.
1—Vacation Secret, f, 4, Unbridled Energy–More Sweet Secrets, by Wiseman’s Ferry. O-Marcus Kocijan, B-Williams Racing Corp (WV), $2,120.
Winning Time: 1:01 1/5 (ft)
MNR, 6TH, ALW, $17,860, 3YO/UP, F/M, 1M, 4-25.
3—CARLIE Q BLUE, f, 3, Air Force Blue–Carlie Q, by Maclean’s Music. O-Smith, Allen Doug and Simpson, Michael, B-Dividing Ridge Farm LLC (KY), T-Aaron M. West, J-Erik Barbaran, $10,904.
6—Slicksneakyandfast, f, 3, Medaglia d’Oro–Motown Lady, by Uncle Mo. ($55,000 2021 FTCJUN). O-Jerry Jamgotchian, B-Town & Country Horse Farms, LLC (KY), $3,760.
4—Team Hot Line, f, 3, American Freedom–Cottage Vale, by Unbridled’s Song. ($2,500 ’19 KEENOV; $4,000 2021 OBSSUM). O-Team Ramgeet Racing Stable LLC, B-Desmond Ryan, Tony Dardis, Ken Donworth & Ben McElroy (KY), $1,880.
Winning Time: 1:42 4/5 (sy)